This is where you will Add, View and Edit your locations.
- Add Locations
- Click on Locations in the side navigation bar.
- Click Add Locations.
- From the popup box, select how you would like to add your locations.
- Import from CMS
- This feature is currently under development. In the near future, you will be able to import your locations directly from you IA Firm’s Claims Management System.
- Import from spreadsheet (.xls or .xlsx)
- Claims Scheduler can import your locations from any Excel spreadsheet.
- Click on Import Spreadsheet and then click on Submit.
- Click on Choose File and then select the file from your computer.
- Click on Submit.
- Your locations will be displayed in columns.
- From the dropdown list at the top of each column, select the title for the information in that column.
Example: If the first column contains the customer’s First Name, click on the dropdown box and select First Name.
- Do this for all of the columns.
NOTE: If you select the wrong title for a column, you will need to click on the red Reset button and start over.
NOTE: Only the data titles in the dropdown box are needed for Claims Scheduler. If your spreadsheet included any other data not listed in the dropdown list, DO NOT assign a title to that column. Leave it set to its default (-select-).
- Once all columns have been ‘mapped’, click on Save.
- All location info will be saved to Claims Scheduler. Locations will be displayed on the Scheduling Map.
- Add Single Location/Customer
- Click on Add single location/customer
- Complete the form and click on Save.
- The location will now be added to Claims Scheduler and appear on the map.