Welcome to the development version of Claims Scheduler.com.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at support@claims scheduler.com

Full Length How-To Video


00:00 – Free Trial Setup
00:00 – Dashboard
00:00 – Preferences
00:00 – Locations
00:00 – Scheduling
00:00 – Calendar
00:00 – My Documents
00:00 – e Documents
00:00 – Setup Customer App
00:00 – View Damage Photos
00:00 – Export claims from XA

Signing Up and Starting a Free Trial

·         Click on the Start Free Trial button.

·         Enter your information. All boxes need to be filled out.

·         Click on the I’m not a robot box.  Then…….

·         Click on Sign up.

·         You will be sent a code via text.  Enter the 4-digit code and click on Verify and Signup. The code will be texted to the phone number used to register your account. Be sure to use a phone number that can receive texts.

·         Check your inbox for a confirmation email.

o   NOTE:  If you do not find the email in your Inbox, check your spam folder.

·         Open the email and click on Confirm Email Address.

·         From the Homepage, click on Login to get started.


The Dashboard shows you all current locations on a map and calendar.

View your Locations by status (In-Active, Active, Unscheduled, Scheduled, Completed and Deleted).

Click on a Location Pin on either the map or calendar to see location details.

Click on the Location Name in the popup to go to the location’s full Details Page.

Side Navigation Bar

From the Side Navigation Bar you can access your preferences, locations, scheduling, calendar, documents, FAQs and how-to videos.


3.  Setting Preferences

Click on Preferences on the side bar.

Set your Inspection Days.

Select your inspection days from the dropdown menu.

Set your Inspection Starting Time and Ending Time.

Set your Appointment Duration in Hours and Minutes.

Set your estimated Travel Time between appointments in Hours and Minutes.

Set how and when you want to send the Appointment Texts and Emails to your customer.

Send Appointment Scheduling Text

By turning this option ON, you will be able to send a series of texts to your customers with a suggested appointment date and time.

The customer will be able to confirm or deny the suggested appointment date and time by responding to the text.

Send Appointment Scheduling Email

By turning this option ON, you will be able to send an email to your customers with a suggested appointment date and time.

The customer will be able to confirm or deny the suggested appointment date and time by responding to the email.

Send ETA Texts to Customers

By turning this option ON, Claims Scheduler will automatically send a text to your customers with your Estimated Time of Arrival.  ETA texts will be sent when you leave the previous location and are enroute to your next inspection.

Send ETA Emails to Customers

By turning this option ON, Claims Scheduler will automatically send an email to your customers with your Estimated Time of Arrival.  ETA emails will be sent when you leave the previous location and are enroute to your next inspection.

Set your First Appointment’s Text delay time in minutes.

This feature allows you to set and rearrange your entire inspection schedule before the scheduling texts and/or emails are sent.

From the dropdown box, select the amount of time you will need to set your schedule.

After the selected amount of time is reached, appointment texts and/or emails will be sent to all customers.

Set your Starting Location.

Home. This is the home address you used when signing up for Claims Scheduler.com.

If you are running daily claims out of your house, this is your starting location.

To set your home address as your starting location, click on the selection box.

Click on Set Start Location to save your starting location.

Custom. This is where you will enter your custom or temporary location.

This could be a hotel, campground, BnB, etc.

Enter the address and then click on Set Start Location.

Set your Secondary Person of Contact.

If you have someone doing scheduling for you, activate this feature by turning it on and then enter their name, email and phone number here.

Your scheduler will be able to login and setup your inspections using Claims Scheduler.

Both you and your scheduler will receive responses from your customers via texts and/or emails.

Enter your scheduler’s Name, Email Address and Phone number.

Scheduler’s phone number needs to be able to receive texts.

Click on Save.

4.  Locations (207)

·         This is where you will Add, View and Edit your locations.

o   4a.- Add Locations

§  Click on Locations in the side navigation bar.

§  Click Add Locations.

§  From the popup box, select how you would like to add your locations.

·         Import from CMS

o   This feature is currently under development. In the near future, you will be able to import your locations directly from you IA Firm’s Claims Management System.

·         Import from spreadsheet (.xls or .xlsx)

o   Claims Scheduler can import your locations from any Excel spreadsheet.

o   Click on Import Spreadsheet and then click on Submit.

o   Click on Choose File and then select the file from your computer.

o   Click on Submit.

o   Your locations will be displayed in columns.

o   From the dropdown list at the top of each column, select the title for the information in that column.

§  Example:  If the first column contains the customer’s First Name, click on the dropdown box and select First Name.

§  Do this for all of the columns.

o   NOTE:  If you select the wrong title for a column, you will need to click on the red Reset button and start over.

o   NOTE:  Only the data titles in the dropdown box are needed for Claims Scheduler. If your spreadsheet included any other data not listed in the dropdown list, DO NOT assign a title to that column.  Leave it set to its default (-select-).

o   Once all columns have been ‘mapped’, click on Save.

o   All location info will be saved to Claims Scheduler.  Locations will be displayed on the Scheduling Map.


·         Add Single Location/Customer

o   Click on Add single location/customer

o   Complete the form and click on Save.

o   The location will now be added to Claims Scheduler and appear on the map.

o   4b.- View Locations

§  From the side nav bar, click on the locations you would like to view.

·         All Locations/Customers. Click here to view all locations/customers.

·           In-Active Locations are locations that have been entered in Claims Schedule but no contact has been made with the customer.  These locations will be denoted by this location pin.

·           Active Locations are locations that have been contacted by text and/or emails but have not responded.

·           Unscheduled Locations are locations that have responded to the scheduling text and have declined the suggested inspection date and time.

·           Undelivered Locations are locations with a bad cellphone number or a landline that cannot receive text messages. 

·           Scheduled Locations are locations that have been scheduled either by text/email or by voice to voice contact.

·         Scheduled Locations are locations whose appointments have been scheduled and confirmed.

·         Completed Locations are locations that have been inspected.

·         Deleted Locations are locations that you have deleted from you list of locations.

o   Deleted Locations can be permanently deleted by going to the list of deleted locations and deleting them from this list.

o   NOTE:  Once deleted from the Deleted list, locations cannot be restored.

o   Before permanently deleting your locations, we recommend exporting a spreadsheet of these locations and save them to your computer/mobile device if you ever need to restore them to your Claims Scheduler account.

o   4c.- View & Edit an Individual Location

§  Select a Location Status list from the left navigation bar.

§  Find the location (2 methods)

·         Enter search information in the search bar located in the top right corner of your screen,

·         or Scroll through the list to find your location.

§  View & Edit Location Information

·         Click on the Information icon located in the Action column on the right side of your screen (to the right of the Status button).

·         Edit and Save Location Information.

o   All information can be added, changed or deleted except for the Customer ID. 

o   The Customer ID Cannot be changed.

o   When changes are complete, click on Save.

o   Click here for detailed instructions on the features located on this page.

§  View & Edit Individual Location Details

·         Click on the View Details icon ( ) located in the Action column located on the right side of your screen (to the right of the Status button).

·         Location contact information cannot be changed on this page.  Go to the location’s Info Page to make any changes to this information.

·         Add Atlernate Contact

o   Click on the Add Alternate Contact button

o   Enter all information in the popup box.

o   Click on Save.

o   The Alternate Contact information will now appear on the location’s Details page.

·         Customer Third Parties

o   Click on the Add Third Party button.

o   Enter all information in the popup box.

o   Click on Save.

o   The Third Party Contact information will now appear on the location’s Details page.

·         Contact Information

o   Click on the option that applies to this contact.

o   Optional:  Add a contact note.

o   Click on Save.

o   The Contact Information will now appear on the location’s Details page.

·         Set Reminder

o   Note:  This is where you will set up appointment reminder texts and emails.

o   Text Scheduling

§  If you have scheduled the appointment through Text Scheduling, this form will be filled out automatically. 

§  Confirm the Appointment Reminder information is correct.

§  Click on Save to activate the automatic reminder texts and/or emails.

·         Communication Center

o   Emails & Texts

§  Note:  This is where you will create, save and send custom emails and texts.

§  Click here for detailed instructions on this feature.

o   e-Documents

§  Note:  This is where you will send documents needing signatures to your customer.

§  The customer can use the Claims Scheduler app to view, sign and return the document to you.

§  Click here for detailed instructions on this feature.

o   Contact Info

§  Note:  This is where all contact notes are saved and displayed.

§  Click on the View icon ( ) to see the full Contact note.

o   Appointment Info

§  Note:  This is where you can edit or delete the appointment date and time.

§  Click on the Edit icon ( ) .

§  Change the appointment information.

§  Click on the Save button.

·         The customer will be sent a text with the updated appointment time.

§  Click on the Delete icon (X) to delete this appointment date and time.

o   Reminder Info

§  Note:  This is where you can edit or delete the appointment Reminder date and time.

§  Click on the Edit icon ( ) to change the appointment reminder date and time.

§  Change the appointment reminder information.

§  Click on the Save button.

§  Click on the Delete icon (X) to delete this appointment date and time.

§  Exporting Locations:

o   Click on Locations.

§  From any of the location databases (All, In-Active, Active, Unscheduled, Scheduled, Completed or Deleted), Click on the Select All Items button located in the top right of the screen.

§  Choose which locations you want to export and then click on the Select Action button.

§  When the popup appears, select Export To Excel and click on Submit.

§  Choose a location on your computer or mobile device to save the spreadsheet.

5.  Scheduling (208)    

·      Scheduling By Text or Text Scheduling

o   Click on Scheduling from the side navigation bar.

o   NOTE: All Locations will display on the Scheduling Map.

§  These are the locations that have been entered into the Claims Scheduler but no contact has been made with the customer.  These locations will be denoted by this location pin .

o   Click once on the location pin you want to schedule.

§  NOTE:  Be sure to click on the center of the pin. If you have clicked on the right place, your cursor will change from this  to this .  

·         When the cursor changes to an arrow ( ), hold down your left mouse button.

o   Drag & Drop the location to the date you would like to schedule it.  Once the location pin is over the day you want to schedule it, release the mouse button and the location will be added to that day.

§  Once the location is put in the Calendar, it will disappear from the Scheduling Map.

o   Do this for all appointments you want to schedule.

·      Text Scheduling Appointment Confirmation

o   Once scheduling is completed, a text and/or email will be sent to your customer(s) based on the delay time set in your Preferences. 

§  Example:  If you started scheduling your inspections at 9:30am your time and you set the text delay for 20 minutes, the text for that location will be sent to that customer around 9:50am your time.

§  We recommend setting the text delay to at least 20 minutes while you are learning the program. Depending on the amount of inspections you are scheduling at one time, you may need to increase or decrease the delay time.

o   If Customer Response is by text, those responses will be displayed on the Scheduling page Calendar.

§  There are four possible responses:


Location Name

Contacted-No Response

o   This indicates the text and email were sent successfully, but there has been no response from your customer.


Location Name


o   This shows the location’s phone number cannot receive texts or is a landline

o   You will need to contact the customer manually.


Location Name


o   This shows the inspection time has been confirmed by your customer.


Location Name


o   This shows the customer has declined the suggested appointment date and time.

o   You will need to contact the insured manually.

6.  Calendar (209)

·         View all scheduled locations by month, week or day.

·         All Active (no response to text or email), Undelivered and Scheduled appointments will appear on the day they are scheduled.

o   Active and Undelivered locations will appear on the suggested appointment date.

o   In-Active and Unscheduled/Declined locations will not appear on the Calendar.

·         View Daily Details

o   Click on a Date.

o   A popup will appear with the scheduled or tentatively scheduled locations for that day along with their scheduling status.

§  Click on Customer Name to:

·         View Customer Info

·         View the Customer Location on the Map.

·         Show the route of your locations for that date.

o   Routing is done in the order of the location appointment time.

7.  My Documents (210)

·         Create your own custom emails and texts along with uploading commonly used documents to your Claims Scheduler account.  This allows you to send texts and emails along with attached documents from the Claims Scheduler app and/or website. 

o   There are a number of system or default emails and texts which can be used ‘as is’ or you can create your own.

·         Emails 

o   Create a Custom Email

§  Click on the Add Email button.

§  Enter a Subject Title

§  Type the body of your email in the box below the Subject Line.

o   Tokens

§  Tokens can be used to insert custom information into the body of the email.  This will allow you to send the same email to multiple Locations or Customers

·         From the Tokens List on the right, click on the token you would like to add to your email.  It will appear in the email body.

·         When your email is complete, click on Save and the new email will be saved to your list of emails.

o   Create a Custom Email from a Template Email

§  Template emails cannot be deleted or edited.  In order to edit the template emails, first they must be copied.

·         Click on the Copy icon below the template email you want to edit.

·         When the email appears, change the name of the Subject in the Subject Line.

·         Edit the body of the email and click on Save and the new email will be saved to your list of emails.

·         Texts

§  Create a Custom Text

·         Click on the Add Text button.

·         Enter the name of the text in the Name box

·         Type the body of your text in the box below the Subject Line.

§  Tokens

·         Tokens can be used to insert custom information into the body of the text.  This will allow you to send the same text to multiple Locations or Customers

·         From the Tokens List on the right, click on the token you would like to add to your text.  It will appear in the text body.

·         When your text is complete, click on Save and the new text will be saved to your list of texts.

§  Create a Custom Text from a Template Text

·         Template texts cannot be deleted or edited.  In order to edit the template texts, first they must be copied.

·         Click on the Copy icon below the template text you want to edit.

·         When the text appears, change the name in the Name box.

·         Edit the body of the text then click on Save and the new text will be saved to your list of texts.


·         Documents

o   Adding Documents

§  Click on Add Documents.

§  From the popup box, click on Choose Files.

§  Find and select the document you want to add.

§  Click on the Save button.

§  Your document will appear in the Documents List. 

§  To delete the document, click on the Delete icon.

§  To view the document, click on the View icon.


8.  e-Documents  (211)

·         The e-Sign Documents feature allows you to send documents needing signatures to the Customer through the Claims Scheduler phone app.  There’s no need for fax machines, scanners or emailing.

o   From the customer’s Details Page, locate the e-Documents folder in the Communications Center column.

·         Add Document

o   Click on the Add Document button.

§  Select the document(s) you would like to send to the Customer. Click Open.

§  When the Send Uploaded Documents popup appears, click on the Send button. 

·         An email will be sent to the Customer informing them there are documents in their Claims Scheduler app they need to sign.

§  Once the documents are signed and sent back, you will receive an email alerting you that the Customer has signed and returned the documents.

·         View Document(s)

o   The e-Documents folder shows a list of all e-documents sent to your customer including the…. e-Document name, date sent and signature status.

o   Click on the View icon ( ) to view the document.

·         Delete Document(s)

o   Click on the Delete icon.

o   Document will be permanently deleted.

§  It CANNOT be restored.

9.  Setup Customer App Account  (212)

·         The Setup Customer App Account feature allows you to set up your customers with a login and password for the Customer version of the Claims Scheduler phone app.

o   From the Customer Details page.

o   Click on the orange Setup Customer App Account button located in the top left corner of the screen

o   A popup box will appear asking ‘Are you sure you want to setup this Location/Customer?’.

§  Click on Yes.

o   Another popup will appear asking which Text and Email you would like to send to the Customer.

§  From the dropdown lists, select the Text Reminder and Email Reminder you want to send the insured.  If you haven’t created you own, you can use the template texts and emails preloaded into the Claims Scheduler

o   After you have successfully setup the Customer App Account, the Setup Customer App Account button will disappear from the Details page.


10.  View Damage Photos  (213)

·         The View Damage Photos feature allows the customer to send pictures of damage to you through the Claims Scheduler Phone App.  This eliminates that hassle and time consuming method of having to transfer the photos from a text message or email. 

o   In order to do this, the customer will have to download the Claims Scheduler app to their phone.  Click here to see how this is done.

·         Once the Claims Scheduler app is installed on the customer’s phone, they will be able to take pictures with the app’s camera or upload photos from their phone’s gallery.

o   After the customer has taken and/or uploaded the damage photos, you will get an email stating your Customer has uploaded their damage photos.

·         Open the Customer’s Info Page and click on the View Damage Photos button at the top center of the screen.

·         Click on the Download Photos button to download a zip file of the damage photos.

·         Save the file to your computer.


12.  Exporting Claims from Xactanalysis  (214)

·         Login to Xactanalysis.

·         Click on the Search button.

·         Click on Date Received.

·         Select a Date Range.

·         Click outside of the popup to close it.

·         Click on Columns.

·         Click on the following items.

o   Items that are ‘greyed out’ cannot be excluded.

o   File #, Insured Address, Insured City, Insured State, Insured Zip Code, Latitude, Longitude and Primary Phone.

o   These are the only items you will need for Claims Scheduler.

·         To save this Column Set for future use, click on the Save icon in the upper right corner of the screen.

·         To Rename the Column Set, click on Column Sets.

o   Click on the Edit icon of the Column Set you want to rename.

o   Rename the Column Set and click on the Save icon.

·         Highlight the claims you want to download.

·         Click on the Select Action dropdown list.

·         Click on Export Selected to Excel.

·         Save the file to your computer.

·         You can now use this file to import your claims locations directly into Claims Scheduler.



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