View Locations

From the side nav bar, click on the locations you would like to view.

  • All Locations/Customers. Click here to view all locations/customers.
  • In-Active Locations are locations that have been entered in Claims Schedule but no contact has been made with the customer.  These locations will be denoted by this location pin.
  • Active Locations are locations that have been contacted by text and/or emails but have not responded.
  • Unscheduled Locations are locations that have responded to the scheduling text and have declined the suggested inspection date and time.
  • Undelivered Locations are locations with a bad cellphone number or a landline that cannot receive text messages. 
  • Scheduled Locations are locations that have been scheduled either by text/email or by voice-to-voice contact.
  • Scheduled Locations are locations whose appointments have been scheduled and confirmed.
  • Completed Locations are locations that have been inspected.
  • Deleted Locations are locations that you have deleted from you list of locations.
    • Deleted Locations can be permanently deleted by going to the list of deleted locations and deleting them from this list.
    • NOTE: Once deleted from the Deleted list, locations cannot be restored.
    • Before permanently deleting your locations, we recommend exporting a spreadsheet of these locations and save them to your computer/mobile device if you ever need to restore them to your Claims Scheduler account.
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